Brought to you by BCP Council


UNITE is BCP's Children in Care Council open to all children under BCP's care aged 8-18. UNITE run two groups (ages 8-11 and 12-17) every other week to listen to our young people and work together with them to improve the lived experiences of all children in our care. UNITE's projects are young person developed, led and championed.

Our Children in Care Council also provides a safe space for young people to meet others who may have similar lived experiences, make friends and support one another.

Some of the work UNITE have done includes:
  • Delivered training sessions to social workers in their ASYE year
  • Met OFSTED inspectors to share their views and experiences of being in care
  • Represent the voice of young people by having members at the Corporate Parenting Board
  • Planned, designed and delivered a large-scale event to celebrate the achievements of all children in care and care experienced young people